Don’t let life pass you by. Seize the day! Take the long way to work and enjoy your drive. Take the scenic view way. Park the furthest from the store if possible. Take mental days off work just to catch your breathe. Don’t put off that vacation for the next few years until you or someone else has “time” Make time. If you have kids enjoy them today they don’t stay little forever and eventually they won’t need you as much and won’t be banging at that bathroom door to be let in, they won’t ask to sleep in your bed anymore. Mine are bigger now and I stall time by “stopping to smell the roses”. That’s what I call it when we take the long way to somewhere or park at the end of the parking lot of places or tent camping instead of hotel staying when we go somewhere. Me and 4 of my kids were able to take a month long vacation because I needed to take that vacation that I kept putting off for years until someone had “time” I had time and the kids that were still in my home had time so we did it. Wish I did it long before when all were still home. We can never get back time lost.