Exercise for Mental Health

When I go to the gym I find that I am mentally so much better. I have so much energy, I feel happy, it really changes my mood. When I started going to the gym I had a surgical hernia from a gall bladder surgery from about 5 years prior so I had to do really light exercise pretty much just the treadmill but it helped. Once I had surgery I started to do more things at the gym. Starting on the elliptical was so far out of my ability, I only stayed on maybe a minute then maybe two. It got easier everytime I tried. I can stay on as long as an hour then at planet fitness it stops me. This will be a short blog post but exercise helps feel mentally healthy. I created a helpful spreadsheet with the Planet Fitness machines in case anyone wants to keep track of their exercises I already did the spreadsheet you can just ad the other things you do. I’ll add more tracking tools later. FOLLOW THE LINK FOR EDITABLE SPREADSHEET https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fxjyzPM9k45wpNpMmwtUxiOVC6TOrsMs4Sljk4mpA9Y/edit?usp=sharing